It's that time of year again when the nights are dark and the temperatures are freezing!

This time of year is particularly dangerous for those who drive for work, such as taxi drivers or coach drivers.

Here are our top tips for safe driving this winter.

Car Checklist

As a professional driver, you also have the added worry of the safety of your passengers to think about.  Keeping a kit in your car means you're prepared should you find yourself in a challenging situation.

Our winter car kit checklist includes:

  • Blankets/extra clothing
  • Hi-vis
  • Food and water
  • De-icer and ice scraper
  • Portable phone charger
  • Torch
  • First aid kit
  • Tow rope/jump leads

Winter Car Check

Making sure your vehicle is winter ready is highly important, particularly when driving on icy roads.

You should ensure:

  • Screen wash, anti-freeze, and other fluids are topped up
  • All lights are working including headlights and brake lights
  • Tyres are inflated, have sufficient tread, and no tears
  • Windscreen wipers are working correctly
  • Battery is charged

Driving for the conditions

Make sure you drive according to the conditions so that includes driving slowly if required and knowing when to stop if visibility becomes an issue.  If you enter a fog patch, switch your fog lights on and slow down, allowing extra space from the vehicle in front.

You can get further information from The RAC on driving in winter, and other weather conditions here.