If you are a supplier of FTS, you will no doubt be aware of PSVAR.  But if you need a refresher, here’s our handy guide.

When providing vehicles for FTS rail replacement services, operators have a responsibility to provide a PSVAR-compliant vehicle.

• As part of the drivers' first user check, they should ensure that the lifting equipment is in good working order and that the securing straps are on the vehicle.

• Drivers need to be fully trained and competent in the use of the lifting equipment and the use of the securing system relevant to the type of vehicle; this training must also be documented.

• If you use casual, part-time, or agency staff, these staff will require the same PSVAR training as your regular staff.

If you are supplying a standard coach, you will need a Mid Term Exemption Certificate (MTE) and a copy of the certificate must be carried on the vehicle/with the driver when operating on rail replacement services.  If the DVSA does a spot check, you could be liable for a fine.

Remember that an MTE certificate only covers standard coaches (not wheelchair compliant) so if a PSVAR vehicle turns up for duty with defective lifting equipment then an MTE certificate will not cover this and will be classed as a PSVAR failure and will be taken off duty.

If you have any questions or queries, then please do contact us and we’ll be happy to assist.